Underwent a slight depression last weekend due to the imminence of Victor's departure (it's actually easier now that he's gone because I don't have to dread his going anymore, though it's still lonesome). And this week and next week I'm working full-time at the behest of my boss. You see, we've got these bird banding stations all over North America that we hire interns to run (over the last four months I recruited 34 interns, but only the last 6 or so really hurt. It was kind of like that time Paul Newman ate 50 hard-boiled eggs in Cool Hand Luke). The interns are supervised by biologists and it's my job to coordinate field equipment, housing, and access to their sites for all of them. The field season just started and so everyone's calling in with lots of questions. Add this to the fact that usually there's three of us and now, with Victor and Ron (the third) gone in the field there's just one of me to do whatever random tasks are required.
But I didn't start this post to whine about my job. What I really wanted to do was to take this opportunity to acquaint you with some rules that I've decided upon for the project, so that it doesn't devolve into drudgery.
I am not including:
1.) Spur trails that are less than one mile long that have no purpose other than to allow neighborhood access.
2.) Trails that parallel other trails with a distance of less than 300 meters between them (like all those foot trails that parallel the fire roads in the Open Space parcels).
3.) Unofficial trails that are not documented on a map, sign, or in a book.
Let me know if you think I'm wussing out by imposing these limits, and I'll take your arguments under consideration, provided that they are both rational and eloquently put.
And also, just so you know, I am highlighting my maps in orange highlighter, not yellow, as I mentioned earlier. The orange shows up much better. If I had my camera I'd take a picture of one of my maps so you could see how much orange I've got so far. That'd be cool. But alas, the camera's in Alaska. It may be for the best, since hopefully by the end of the summer the amount of orange will be far more impressive to behold. Right now, of my four maps, the Point Reyes Nat'l Seashore is my most orange map by far: it's, say, 30% orange? Orange content averaged over all four maps is probably around 10% and I've been hiking around 6 months; this means I've got 54 months to go at this rate. I'd better get a move on, since I don't think I'm going to be here that long.
So I'll hike this weekend and then I'll tell you about it. And maybe I'll have to borrow a friend's camera so you can look at more pictures. Here's a random one from the archives:
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